Shooting Start - Cool Citizens

Shooting Start - Cool Citizens
Author: Rosie McCormick
Publisher: Belitha Press, United Kingdom (2002)

Dear Reader

Cool Citizens has been written just for you. Packed with facts about governmen and society, things to do, quizzes and a brilliant story, this handy book will tell you all you need to know about being a citizen of this planet.

Did you know that:
* as a citizen of the United Kingdom you have the right to freedom of expression?
* Roman soldiers had to serve in the army for 25 years before becoming citizens?
* people used to get the news from town criers?

So what are you waiting for? Turn the pages and enter a world where learning is much more fun than you ever thought it could be.

Topics include:
All about citizenship (running the country, human rights, all kinds of people, world citizens)
* Quiz time
* Story: they are only words
* Citizen superstars
* That's astonishing
* Things to do
* Useful information
* Glossary

Hardcover, 48 pages (new)
NZ$ 15.00
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